So over the last few months I've really wondered what I have gotten myself into. As I've thought about what I've set myself up for I'll admit I've thought I've bitten off more then I can chew. But then I have to sit back and think - okay - we're how far into this and hey - what's the worst that can happen? I end up paying myself and donating money to charity? How terrible is that?
So now that I have slapped myself into shape, it is now time to get back to business. Here is all (albeit little) that I have done.
#7. So I signed up for a photoshop class on - but I haven't had time to do it yet. Thank goodness it is a do-it-on-your-own timing one. Maybe when the kids are back in school?
#15 -perhaps I should view the list? We've been catching up on lots of movies. I wonder if any are on the list?
#19 - still going strong!
#22 - there is always so much to be thankful for each day - but is it okay to not be original? Often I am just so thankful for the day - and for getting to bed!
#28 - I think I may be able to do this through Focus on the Family's "Truth Project" in the fall. Our small group is planning on doing this together.
#39 - Yikes I forgot about this? It appears I may need to do more then one in a month to catch up!
#51 - I gave 2 parking passes to people over the last month - both at the library.
#52 - So I got started - not that much but I've started! I'll have to find my pieces of paper to see how much.
#74 - I think I am managing to do this! Can you believe I have to question it? Technically bedtime always counts but I need to be proactive in documenting it or at least noting it.
#75 - Drew bought a wind-up radio to put in our emergency kit! (He was inspired by D and D's cottage!)
So that is half of the list and now to back track some more and maybe add a few photos?
Monday, August 10, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Lord is good...
# 23
Nahum 1:7. The Lord is good. A refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.
This was the verse for summer camp and it is now (forever?) in my brain.
Nahum 1:7. The Lord is good. A refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.
This was the verse for summer camp and it is now (forever?) in my brain.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Painting in an hour
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Strawberry Picking!
#71 - We went strawberry picking with Diane and Victoria! Matt tried them but... still doesn't like them! On a more serious note; my white flip flops will never be the same.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

After this disastrous post, I am pleased to say that we have gotten rid of 4+ large boxes of items from the house.
Some went to Goodwill:
1 - assorted household items -rugs, miscellaneous
1 - box of household items - wine rack, candle holders, gift bags, the stepper I haven't used in ages
1 - Community Living - clothing items from all of us
1 - Kids Closet along with 2 individual items (mobile, ocean music box, fall maternity items, fall kids clothing)
I have 2 more ready to go - one of clothing and one of baby stuff to sell. Now I just have to get it there.
It feels really good to get them out and free up some space around here (And the money was nice too). I'm just afraid it is getting to Drew's head that his "discussion" brought about the desired action. We all know that it was just a result of getting back on schedule! Maybe I'll get around to discussing that some day!..
Monday, July 6, 2009
A new-to-us park
#73 - We visited the first of 20 new-to-us parks to visit. (We got the map from the City Hall and the list off the website). It was way over on the other side of town - closer for some of our baby group friends. Another mom there was doing laps around the park after she played with her daughter for a few minutes. What a great idea!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Is it June already?
My latest updates...
#19 - still going strong with the flossing - haven't missed a day yet!
#20 - out of the race I think - Last week was not a good one for sleep.
#22 - so much to be thankful for - i'm trying for variety but many nights I am just so happy for my bed!!!
#35 - given some new ideas about some foods to re-evaluate - sushi anyone? Turkish delight from Turkey?
#39 - Try a new recipe every month - I almost forgot about this one but rmembered that I did in fact make oatmeal banana chip loaf last week. Yey me! The kids weren't overly impressed however - not sure if I will make them again.
#51 - On Monday I gave my parking ticket with 2 hours left to a person coming into the parking lot.
#74 - Thankfully managing to have 1:1 time - Marlee a (few) tea parties and Matt - reading
#75 - purchased 2 big water containers for storage for the emergency kit
#95 - Saw "Anne of Green Gables" May 23rd with Matt and the group from church
Okay - this was a really busy week and looking over this list just now I really hope that I am not being overzealous. Yes I am only month 2 into it - but I am seeing how I need to make goals and be intentional about following them. Breaking it into chunks and working on those. It's the "regular" ones that I am feeling a little more apprehensive about.
On a side note, I am still working on my intentions for 2009 - I think I am about 1/3 of the way through them. Maybe I should post them... and have some progress to note!
#19 - still going strong with the flossing - haven't missed a day yet!
#20 - out of the race I think - Last week was not a good one for sleep.
#22 - so much to be thankful for - i'm trying for variety but many nights I am just so happy for my bed!!!
#35 - given some new ideas about some foods to re-evaluate - sushi anyone? Turkish delight from Turkey?
#39 - Try a new recipe every month - I almost forgot about this one but rmembered that I did in fact make oatmeal banana chip loaf last week. Yey me! The kids weren't overly impressed however - not sure if I will make them again.
#51 - On Monday I gave my parking ticket with 2 hours left to a person coming into the parking lot.
#74 - Thankfully managing to have 1:1 time - Marlee a (few) tea parties and Matt - reading
#75 - purchased 2 big water containers for storage for the emergency kit
#95 - Saw "Anne of Green Gables" May 23rd with Matt and the group from church
Okay - this was a really busy week and looking over this list just now I really hope that I am not being overzealous. Yes I am only month 2 into it - but I am seeing how I need to make goals and be intentional about following them. Breaking it into chunks and working on those. It's the "regular" ones that I am feeling a little more apprehensive about.
On a side note, I am still working on my intentions for 2009 - I think I am about 1/3 of the way through them. Maybe I should post them... and have some progress to note!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Slowly but surely.
Not a whole lot of progress this week but continuing along with a number already started.
17, 18 - Have talked with a few people about running a marathon next year and even possible a 1/2 marathon in September. I figure the more people I talk to about it the more likely it is to happen.
19 - I have flossed every night this week too! Still have to print off the chart though!
20 - I got 7.5 hours of sleep on Friday and Saturday of this past week. It helps when the kids aren't around (Sat)
22 - included music, Cierra getting to visit with family, memories of ATF and KB from MWSmith
46 - Making plans to take mom out for Mother's Day
72 - Concious about stopping what I was doing to help Marlee when asked - would be nice to do it the whole day though
74 - Wii Fit with Matt; Hair time with Marlee
That's all for now folks!
17, 18 - Have talked with a few people about running a marathon next year and even possible a 1/2 marathon in September. I figure the more people I talk to about it the more likely it is to happen.
19 - I have flossed every night this week too! Still have to print off the chart though!
20 - I got 7.5 hours of sleep on Friday and Saturday of this past week. It helps when the kids aren't around (Sat)
22 - included music, Cierra getting to visit with family, memories of ATF and KB from MWSmith
46 - Making plans to take mom out for Mother's Day
72 - Concious about stopping what I was doing to help Marlee when asked - would be nice to do it the whole day though
74 - Wii Fit with Matt; Hair time with Marlee
That's all for now folks!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Sunday, May 10th - Day 8 and progress!
Wow - a week into it already! I have to say though - it's been on my mind a lot and things are already in progress. FUN FUN FUN!!!
So here goes...
#58 - Last Saturday we bought 2 rain barrels from the city - $45!!! Great price. I actually modified my list because that was too easy. I hope to now have proper barrels at all 5 downspouts.
#35 - I have tried some new foods. On Friday we went to an Israeli restaurant in Toronto - to meet up with everyone (well 29) that went on the trip in November. Great food and fellowship - and it was connected to a grocery store. My mom bought some turkish delight and I can recall not being overly fond of it but I thought hey - let's give it a try. Yeah - I STILL don't like it. Awful stuff! She gave me rose flavoured - and belive me it tastes like you think a rose would taste. And the powdery sugar??? What is with that? I thought it was going to be icing sugar. Nope. I won't be adding that to my candy selection.
#35 - Tonight I also tried a black olive. Still don't like them either but I did swallow it. Don't like the smell either - it can really kill a good greek salad. Such a shame.
I'm going to have to think of 10 good things to try though. I don't really want to try things that I won't continue to eat - like I don't like coffee but why should I try to? Same with iced tea. I think I might need to look into the exotic fruits and vegetables like kale and artichokes and stuff like that. Radishes. Some things from You Are What You Eat that just sound gross. But I digress...
#20 - Sleeping - the two times that I have had the opportunity to sleep in - and therefore get teh ful 7.5 hours of sleep I want to get, I woke up at 7am and couln't go back to sleep. I did lounge in bed so I think it counted but obvioulsy I think it means I will need to actually go to bed earlier. I did make good use of it on Saturday though and went for a run. Yey me!
#74 - As for 1:1 time - among other things, Marlee and I sat and watched Scooby Doo together on the tv (her choice) and Matt and I played baseball this week in the front yard.
So all in all I think I'm off to a good start. Back soon!
So here goes...
#58 - Last Saturday we bought 2 rain barrels from the city - $45!!! Great price. I actually modified my list because that was too easy. I hope to now have proper barrels at all 5 downspouts.
#35 - I have tried some new foods. On Friday we went to an Israeli restaurant in Toronto - to meet up with everyone (well 29) that went on the trip in November. Great food and fellowship - and it was connected to a grocery store. My mom bought some turkish delight and I can recall not being overly fond of it but I thought hey - let's give it a try. Yeah - I STILL don't like it. Awful stuff! She gave me rose flavoured - and belive me it tastes like you think a rose would taste. And the powdery sugar??? What is with that? I thought it was going to be icing sugar. Nope. I won't be adding that to my candy selection.
#35 - Tonight I also tried a black olive. Still don't like them either but I did swallow it. Don't like the smell either - it can really kill a good greek salad. Such a shame.
I'm going to have to think of 10 good things to try though. I don't really want to try things that I won't continue to eat - like I don't like coffee but why should I try to? Same with iced tea. I think I might need to look into the exotic fruits and vegetables like kale and artichokes and stuff like that. Radishes. Some things from You Are What You Eat that just sound gross. But I digress...
#20 - Sleeping - the two times that I have had the opportunity to sleep in - and therefore get teh ful 7.5 hours of sleep I want to get, I woke up at 7am and couln't go back to sleep. I did lounge in bed so I think it counted but obvioulsy I think it means I will need to actually go to bed earlier. I did make good use of it on Saturday though and went for a run. Yey me!
#74 - As for 1:1 time - among other things, Marlee and I sat and watched Scooby Doo together on the tv (her choice) and Matt and I played baseball this week in the front yard.
So all in all I think I'm off to a good start. Back soon!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
New ideas
I haven't even started yet but I want to have a place to write ideas for additional "Wanna do's" or what may be known as my "bucket list". If for some reason I get one done then I'll be sure to make note... Here they are for now!
- Go out for lunch with an "in-love" [time]
- Fix stairs at cottage
- Get an extra vacuum filter
- Contact a [loved one] [time]
- Online book exchange to get rid of unwanted books?
- Send a care package to a soldier
- For one day hide all the clocks
- Fly first class
- Take singing lessons
- Document "all in a year's time" at the end of each year
- Get guitar lessons
- Spend 24 hours onthe beach (watch both the sunrise and sunset)
- Take ball-room dancing lessons
- Be a tourist in my own city (and take pictures)
- Cycle in Europe or bicycle tour?
- Light the house using only candles for a whole week
- Detox for one week
- Read the books I've bought and haven't read
- Take the kids to a retirement home just to be friendly (once a month?)
- Visit creationism museum in the USA
- 365 photo a day challenge of photos of me
- Visit grand canyon
- Rent an RV
- Learn how to say 'hello' in 50 languages
- Learn how to write 'thank you' in 20 languages
- Go paragliding
- Swim with dolphins
- Do indoor rock climbing
- Go white water rafting again
- Investigate and make goals to see natural wonders of the world
- See the Cherry Blossoms around the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC in full bloom
- See the Pyramids in Egypt
- Dive in the Red Sea
- Help build a house with Habitat for Humanity
- Volunteer with Mercy Ships
- Vacation at Martha's Vineyard
- Sleep in a castle
- Carry out 101 ideas from this book on ways to be romantic
- Go on a safari
- See a palatypus
- Milk a cow
- Watch turtles hatch and run for the ocean
- Check out and his book
- Raise chickens for eggs
- Have a room designated as a library
- Celebrate life every day - start by reading
- Read up on John Goddard - the real life Indiana Jones
- Write a letter to each of my children telling them what I want them to know about me and life lessons based on my experience - see The Complete Life's Little Instruction Book for inspiration
- Watch the White House Easter Egg roll
PS - Check out a cool website to check for ideas re creating a bucket list.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
After investigating a lot of great ideas out there, and remembering a number of my own, here's my list! TFL!
1. Keep a journal/blog of my 101 days (photo if applicable)
2. Convince 3 people to do the 101 list
3. Create a new list when this one is completed.
4. Sit on porch for 1 hour a day at least 14 times (0/14)
5. Save seasonal photo folders to online service
6. Figure out how to transfer photos from my phone
7. Take a photoshop class
8. Spend a whole day in jammies w/ no outside communication (phone, computer) (not at cottage)
9. Go to bookstore and just sit and read
10. Read at least 20 books from, B&N Classics list or pullitzer prize winners in fiction
11. Spend 1 night a week media free for 3 months (0/12)
12. Purge one show a year from regular viewing (0/3)
13. Watch 1st season of Brothers and Sisters
14.Watch 10 Oscar award-winning or International Film Festival movies (0/10)
15. Watch 10 never-seen-by-me movies from top 250 imdb movie list (0/10)
16. Run 10K race
17. Run 1/2 marathon
18. Run marathon
19. Keep a record of flossing to increase it to at least 5/7 nights
20. Get 7.5 hours of sleep at least 1 night a week
21. Get 7.5 hours of sleep EVERY night for 2 weeks (0/14)
22. Document 1 thing to be happy about/ thankful for each day
23. Memorize 20 verses
24. Read Revelations
25. List 101 Reasons I Love God
26. Listen to only Christian music for one week
27. Scrapbook 20 scriptures or names (see here) 0/20
28. Research and learn the biblical worldview enough to discuss it
29. Get up to date with kids scrapbooks
30. Transfer Europe trip photos to scrapbook
31. Make at least 5 mini albums on my To Do list (0/5)
32. Make 10 layouts about People We Love (0/10)
For me the FOOD LOVER
33. Eat at 30 restaurants in Simcoe County I've never eaten at before
34. Eat only food we create from scratch for 2 weeks (0/14)
35. Re-evaluate 10 foods/ drinks I claim to not like or have cared to try (2/10) (if I can think of 10!)
36. Drink nothing but water for for 2 weeks
37. Exchange meals with a friend 3 times (0/3
38. Do not use the microwave for 1 week
39. Try a new recipe every month
40. No fast food, restaurants or junk food for one month
41. Make cinnamon buns from scratch
42. Buy produce at farmers market at least 5x (0/5)
43. Preserve at lest one type of produce
44. Spend a weekend making at least 10 freezer meals
45. Send 20 snail mail cards or letters to family or friends (not Christmas or chain letters)
46. Take mom and dad each out for lunch 2x/year (0/12)
47. Document at least 10 of grandma's stories or life moments
48. Have 5 new families over for a meal (excluding bible study night)
49. Extend a loan on
50. Donate $10 for every challenge not completed to charity of choice
51. Practice at least 30 RAK (0/30)
52. Donate 100,000 grains of rice on
53. Pick an ornament from the angeltree/CAS for Christmas 2009, 2010, 2011
54. Donate a box of toys each gift-receiving holiday/birthday
55. Run for a cause
56. Donate blood
57. Babysit for friends so they can have a date night at least 5 times (0/5)
58. Install 5 proper rain barrels in yard (2/5)
59. Spend 10 hours picking up litter (0/10)
60. Contact an MPP regarding 6 issues I feel strongly about (0/6)
61. Investigate the 100 mile challenge and partake in it for at least 1 week
62. Collect "faucet run-off" (*) for at least 1 week
63. Double garden space and utilize tunnels
64. Create and abide by a budget for at least 6 months (0/6)
65. Live only on a cash budget for 1 month (no credit or debit cards)
66. Use up all body lotions, body cleansers and household cleansers before buying more
67. Make an extra donation to RRSP
68. Go to the ROM as a family
69. Go to Simcoe County museum with the kids
70. Go to Toronto Zoo with the kids
71. Pick strawberries together
72. Stop what I am doing and play with the kids when asked at least 20x (0/20)
73. Go to 20 new-to-us parks with the kids (0/20)
74. Spend 1:1 time with each child each week
75. Make an emergency kit
76. Sort through family history information received and make a current family-friendly heritage album
77. Go through Cierra's momento box
78. Fine tune zone list and follow weekly prompts
79. Declutter 101 material items
80. Declutter office of paper
81. Plant a tree in the backyard
82. Paint trim in master bedroom
83. Paint the basement hallway
84. Touch up first floor paint
85. Add loft to garage
86. Insulate cold room
87. Put up the guard rail
88. Hit a bucket of balls (golf) with Drew
89. At least one day of no negatives
90. Watch at least 6 movies that Drew wants
91. 5 dates of Drew's choice
92. Initiate romance once for every 3
93. Cross the lake in winter
94. Zipline experience in Collingwood
95. See 3 new theatre productions
96. Dance in the rain
97. Ride in a hot air balloon
For the TRAVELLER in me
98. Take kids camping
99. Go to a historical site I've never been to before
100. Visit 2 new states or provinces
101. Go to 6 Flags as a family
* - Basically where you collect the water that runs while "heating up" and use it elsewhere in the house or for outside
1. Keep a journal/blog of my 101 days (photo if applicable)
2. Convince 3 people to do the 101 list
3. Create a new list when this one is completed.
4. Sit on porch for 1 hour a day at least 14 times (0/14)
5. Save seasonal photo folders to online service
6. Figure out how to transfer photos from my phone
7. Take a photoshop class
8. Spend a whole day in jammies w/ no outside communication (phone, computer) (not at cottage)
9. Go to bookstore and just sit and read
10. Read at least 20 books from, B&N Classics list or pullitzer prize winners in fiction
11. Spend 1 night a week media free for 3 months (0/12)
12. Purge one show a year from regular viewing (0/3)
13. Watch 1st season of Brothers and Sisters
14.Watch 10 Oscar award-winning or International Film Festival movies (0/10)
15. Watch 10 never-seen-by-me movies from top 250 imdb movie list (0/10)
16. Run 10K race
17. Run 1/2 marathon
18. Run marathon
19. Keep a record of flossing to increase it to at least 5/7 nights
20. Get 7.5 hours of sleep at least 1 night a week
21. Get 7.5 hours of sleep EVERY night for 2 weeks (0/14)
22. Document 1 thing to be happy about/ thankful for each day
23. Memorize 20 verses
24. Read Revelations
25. List 101 Reasons I Love God
26. Listen to only Christian music for one week
27. Scrapbook 20 scriptures or names (see here) 0/20
28. Research and learn the biblical worldview enough to discuss it
29. Get up to date with kids scrapbooks
30. Transfer Europe trip photos to scrapbook
31. Make at least 5 mini albums on my To Do list (0/5)
32. Make 10 layouts about People We Love (0/10)
For me the FOOD LOVER
33. Eat at 30 restaurants in Simcoe County I've never eaten at before
34. Eat only food we create from scratch for 2 weeks (0/14)
35. Re-evaluate 10 foods/ drinks I claim to not like or have cared to try (2/10) (if I can think of 10!)
36. Drink nothing but water for for 2 weeks
37. Exchange meals with a friend 3 times (0/3
38. Do not use the microwave for 1 week
39. Try a new recipe every month
40. No fast food, restaurants or junk food for one month
41. Make cinnamon buns from scratch
42. Buy produce at farmers market at least 5x (0/5)
43. Preserve at lest one type of produce
44. Spend a weekend making at least 10 freezer meals
45. Send 20 snail mail cards or letters to family or friends (not Christmas or chain letters)
46. Take mom and dad each out for lunch 2x/year (0/12)
47. Document at least 10 of grandma's stories or life moments
48. Have 5 new families over for a meal (excluding bible study night)
49. Extend a loan on
50. Donate $10 for every challenge not completed to charity of choice
51. Practice at least 30 RAK (0/30)
52. Donate 100,000 grains of rice on
53. Pick an ornament from the angeltree/CAS for Christmas 2009, 2010, 2011
54. Donate a box of toys each gift-receiving holiday/birthday
55. Run for a cause
56. Donate blood
57. Babysit for friends so they can have a date night at least 5 times (0/5)
58. Install 5 proper rain barrels in yard (2/5)
59. Spend 10 hours picking up litter (0/10)
60. Contact an MPP regarding 6 issues I feel strongly about (0/6)
61. Investigate the 100 mile challenge and partake in it for at least 1 week
62. Collect "faucet run-off" (*) for at least 1 week
63. Double garden space and utilize tunnels
64. Create and abide by a budget for at least 6 months (0/6)
65. Live only on a cash budget for 1 month (no credit or debit cards)
66. Use up all body lotions, body cleansers and household cleansers before buying more
67. Make an extra donation to RRSP
68. Go to the ROM as a family
69. Go to Simcoe County museum with the kids
70. Go to Toronto Zoo with the kids
71. Pick strawberries together
72. Stop what I am doing and play with the kids when asked at least 20x (0/20)
73. Go to 20 new-to-us parks with the kids (0/20)
74. Spend 1:1 time with each child each week
75. Make an emergency kit
76. Sort through family history information received and make a current family-friendly heritage album
77. Go through Cierra's momento box
78. Fine tune zone list and follow weekly prompts
79. Declutter 101 material items
80. Declutter office of paper
81. Plant a tree in the backyard
82. Paint trim in master bedroom
83. Paint the basement hallway
84. Touch up first floor paint
85. Add loft to garage
86. Insulate cold room
87. Put up the guard rail
88. Hit a bucket of balls (golf) with Drew
89. At least one day of no negatives
90. Watch at least 6 movies that Drew wants
91. 5 dates of Drew's choice
92. Initiate romance once for every 3
93. Cross the lake in winter
94. Zipline experience in Collingwood
95. See 3 new theatre productions
96. Dance in the rain
97. Ride in a hot air balloon
For the TRAVELLER in me
98. Take kids camping
99. Go to a historical site I've never been to before
100. Visit 2 new states or provinces
101. Go to 6 Flags as a family
* - Basically where you collect the water that runs while "heating up" and use it elsewhere in the house or for outside
- I will highlight those in red that are completed and mark applicable (#)
- I will note those in blue that are in process
- I will "label" each post according to the number of the list
- I will most likely only update weekly on this blog
Monday, April 27, 2009
A new beginning
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Why join the bandwagon?
Well... everyone who knows me, knows I love lists. I also love goals and resolutions (now I call them intentions) and I also love following blogs and am getting the hang of writing in one. So what better way to combine a number of my loves all in one place? It's not like I need another thing to do but on the other hand, really, why not.
Why Gotta Do's and Wanna Do's?
I read on one of my favourite links, the about a readers using the concept of gotta do's and wanna do's for the kids and structuring their days. We've been using it at home too. We get our Gotta Do's done first and then we can do our Wanna Do's. The faster we get the Gotta Do's done, the more Wanna Do's we can do!
I plan to start on May 2nd, 2009 - Drew's birthday. Not for any particular reason other then it gave me enough time to put together a list and that the day is a significant one - right honey?
Check the links if you are interested in ideas for your own list and let me know if I've inspired you to start your own - it's one of my 101!
BTW - Saturday, January 28, 2012 is my date for completion!
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Why join the bandwagon?
Well... everyone who knows me, knows I love lists. I also love goals and resolutions (now I call them intentions) and I also love following blogs and am getting the hang of writing in one. So what better way to combine a number of my loves all in one place? It's not like I need another thing to do but on the other hand, really, why not.
Why Gotta Do's and Wanna Do's?
I read on one of my favourite links, the about a readers using the concept of gotta do's and wanna do's for the kids and structuring their days. We've been using it at home too. We get our Gotta Do's done first and then we can do our Wanna Do's. The faster we get the Gotta Do's done, the more Wanna Do's we can do!
I plan to start on May 2nd, 2009 - Drew's birthday. Not for any particular reason other then it gave me enough time to put together a list and that the day is a significant one - right honey?
Check the links if you are interested in ideas for your own list and let me know if I've inspired you to start your own - it's one of my 101!
BTW - Saturday, January 28, 2012 is my date for completion!
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