I'm back! Let's see if I can actually start documenting my (limited) progress on a monthly basis... This project is never far from my mind but the practicality of it (or lack thereof) takes over... For our family... #73 - New parks - Carter Park Feb 5, The kids saw them and asked to stop.
After Carter Park we stopped at Cudia Park where Marlee quickly noted that it has the same set up as another park that we visit frequently. I fell over getting out and had a good laugh at myself (so did the kids I might add).

It was fun to just stop and do something spontaneously - even though we weren't really prepared. For our HOUSE #79 - I decluttered a few magnetic photo albums that had my cabbage patch certificates and childhood photos in them.
For the EXPERIENCE... #93 - I crossed the lake! Feb 21. This was a really cool experience. No one else wanted to come with me so I did the trek by myself. It took me about 45 minutes to go from the area closest to our place and to cross to water park area. I just kept the condos in sight. It was a bit freaky to see the cracks in the ice but you could definitely tell that it was really thick. There were lots of ice huts on the lake and I passed 2 snow mobilers and a few people walking. All in all, I am glad to have done it!
The view starting out...

Getting a little closer...
And finally reaching shore...

It was SOOOO good. I loved every second of it - it took me right back to the other times I have seen it. I can't believe it was Cindy's first time. I sang along the whole time.
See you next month!