After Carter Park we stopped at Cudia Park where Marlee quickly noted that it has the same set up as another park that we visit frequently. I fell over getting out and had a good laugh at myself (so did the kids I might add).
For the EXPERIENCE... #93 - I crossed the lake! Feb 21. This was a really cool experience. No one else wanted to come with me so I did the trek by myself. It took me about 45 minutes to go from the area closest to our place and to cross to water park area. I just kept the condos in sight. It was a bit freaky to see the cracks in the ice but you could definitely tell that it was really thick. There were lots of ice huts on the lake and I passed 2 snow mobilers and a few people walking. All in all, I am glad to have done it!
The view starting out...

It was SOOOO good. I loved every second of it - it took me right back to the other times I have seen it. I can't believe it was Cindy's first time. I sang along the whole time.
And finally reaching shore...
#95 - Feb 19 I went with Cindy to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.

See you next month!
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